mining swimming pools – Fighting employees dangerous conduct






In a mining pool the place rewards are allotted in line with the fraction of hashrate contributed to the pool, may a miner misbehave attempting dishonest somehow? And are there methods to forestall this?

I will be able to recall to mind one instance:

Dangerous conduct 1

A miner with 1TH/s may fake to be mining at 2TH/s by way of sending to the pool at common time durations the block headers (right here It’s not that i am certain what the miner in truth sends to the pool if the header or simply the nonce) he’s finding plus a number of different headers already present in earlier iterations.

Answer 1

This conduct does no longer impact the the power of the pool to mine a block, however simply inflates the praise of the dangerous miner, mainly stealing from the opposite miners’ percentage. It may be avoided if the pool assists in keeping a search for desk of the block hashes coming from every miner and take a look at for repeated blocks, regardless that this turns out like overkill and too pricey. Some other resolution might be implementing that the miner sends the block answers in an expanding order of the nonces, that is could be simple to make sure and no repeated blocks are conceivable.

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