Perhaps I were given the formulation improper however I heard that x = (z*s^-1)*G+(r*s^-1)*Okay
is the equation for verifying an ECDSA signature however my code says signature is invalid however the values are from a sound bitcoin transaction.
def gensig(d,ok,h):
x = bitcoin.fast_multiply(bitcoin.G, ok)
r = x[0] % n
k_inv = mod_inverse(ok, n)
s = (k_inv * (h+(r*d))) % n
go back r,s
def verfy(r,s,pk,h):
# Check the signature
w = mod_inverse(s, n) # Calculate the modular multiplicative inverse of s
u = (h * w) % n
v = (r * w) % n
y = bitcoin.fast_multiply(bitcoin.G, u)
b= bitcoin.fast_multiply(pk, v)
a = y+b
x =a[0] % n
# Test if the calculated level fits the R element of the signature
if x == r:
print("Signature is legitimate")
print("Signature is invalid")
def solve_k(h, r, x, s, n):
# Calculate the modular multiplicative inverse of s modulo n
s_inverse = mod_inverse(s, n)
if s_inverse is None:
go back None # No modular inverse exists
# Calculate ok the usage of the formulation
ok = (h + r *x ) * s_inverse % n
go back ok
def solve_d(s, ok, h, r, n):
rinv = mod_inverse(r, n)
d = (((s * ok) - h) * rinv) % n
go back d
Given those:
Z= 0x3d4a58fa8e5f94e9b8ed1d79a2d584ce45803153b75d43d7bcdbf49171d90992
priv1 = 1
Once I do that:
pk = bitcoin.fast_multiply(bitcoin.G, priv1)
I am getting signature is invalid however why?
What am I doing improper?