Sharing the images of her glance, Kriti took to Instagram and wrote, “Jassi Off to Delhi for the trailer release! #Ganapath.”
Kriti opted for a sleeveless denim bustier this is to be had in a putting mixture of sunshine blue and black hues. This unique piece boasts subtle straps, a entrance zip closure, a bold plunging neckline, a body-hugging match that accentuates her narrow determine, and a corseted bodice for extra aptitude. Kriti Sanon paired the bustier with coordinating denim denims that characteristic a high-rise waist and a graceful, skinny-fit silhouette.
She finished her glance with a couple of black thigh-high boots in conjunction with putting equipment – silver hoop earrings, commentary rings, and an crowd pleasing black leather-based belt. Her make-up featured kohl-lined eyes, brown eyeshadow, mascara, a muted red lip, and sparkling pores and skin. She completed the glance with centre-parted silky tresses.
Take a look at the images right here: